
Theory and practice of meat processing

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Prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes in meat products during 2017–2019 depending on technological factors and seasons


Microbiological examination of contamination of imported and domestic meat products with pathogenic bacteria Listeria monocytogenes depending on a meat type, technology and season was carried out during 2017–2019. In total, 2777 product samples were analyzed; the presence of this pathogen was revealed in 8.8% of products (244 positive samples). It was found that the prevalence of L. monocytogenes in meat products increased over three years of observation (2017–2019). The highest occurrence of this pathogen was found in poultry meat (on average 18.7%) followed by products from beef (13.2%). Meat products from mixed raw materials (beef and pork) accounted for 5.3% of tested samples, while in pork semi-finished products L. monocytogenes was found only in 3.2% of cases. It was noted that the technology of semi-finished products significantly affected the level of contamination of meat products with L. monocytogenes. Various technological approaches are used in the production process increasing the risk of contamination of the finished product since there is no timely data on Listeria contamination of raw materials used for production of a particular product. It has been established that a significant role in microbiological studies is played by various approaches to sample preparation of analyzed samples of meat cuts, semi-finished products in large and small pieces, as well as minced semi-finished products. Not knowing the real level of surface contamination with L. monocytogenes of carcasses, half-carcasses, semi-finished products in large pieces, manufacturers use such raw materials for the subsequent production of other types of semi-finished meat products, increasing the risk of manufacturing unsafe products with following contamination of equipment, work surfaces and other objects of the production environment. The highest occurrence of L. monocytogenes in meat products during three years of observation was found in the summer period (14.2%). The proportions of positive samples in the winter, spring and autumn months varied on average within 6.7–7.1%.

About the Authors

Yu. K. Yushina
V.M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems
Russian Federation

Yulia K. Yushina, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Deputy Head of Laboratory «Center for food and feed testing»

26, Talalikhina str., 109316, Moscow

O. A. Kuznetsova
V.M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems
Russian Federation

Oxana A. Kuznetsova, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Director

26, Talalikhina str., 109316, Moscow

A. V. Tutelyan
Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of the Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being; Dmitry Rogachev National Medical Research Center Of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology; I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
Russian Federation

Alexey V. Tutelyan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, MD, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Head of the Laboratory of Healthcare-Associated Infections, Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being

3a, Novogireevskaya str., 111123, Moscow

M. A. Grudistova
V.M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems
Russian Federation

Maria A. Grudistova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Researcher, Department of Hygiene of Production and Microbiology

26, Talalikhina str., 109316, Moscow

D. S. Bataeva
V.M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems
Russian Federation

Dagmara S. Bataeva, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent, Head of the Direction of Microbiology, Leading Scientific Worker, Department of Hygiene of Production and Microbiology

26, Talalikhina str., 109316, Moscow

M. D. Reshchikov
V.M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems
Russian Federation

Maksim D. Reshchikov, Senior Laboratory Assistant, Department of Hygiene of Production and Microbiology

26, Talalikhina str., 109316, Moscow

I. S. Tartakovsky
The Gamaleya National Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology
Russian Federation

Igor S. Tartakovsky, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of Laboratory of Legionellosis

18, Gamaleya str., 123098, Moscow

Yu. A. Nikolaev
Russia Federal Research Centre of Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety
Russian Federation

Yury A. Nikolaev, Head of the Laboratory of Viability of Microorganisms

33, build 2, Leninsky prospect, 33, build. 2, 119071, Moscow


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For citations:

Yushina Yu.K., Kuznetsova O.A., Tutelyan A.V., Grudistova M.A., Bataeva D.S., Reshchikov M.D., Tartakovsky I.S., Nikolaev Yu.A. Prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes in meat products during 2017–2019 depending on technological factors and seasons. Theory and practice of meat processing. 2022;7(4):238-246.

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